About Me

Jakarta, Indonesia
An extrovert yet not so friendly, a daughter of God yet still living in temptation, a self-centered wife with an overwhelmingly kind husband, always try to be time-efficient but like to slack-off

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


8:54 pm dan gw masih di kantor... Nungguin bokap gw yang rada workaholic (iya gw kerja sama bokap gw). Karena dia mau cuti lusa, jadi tadi dia bilang bakal pulang agak maleman, paling pagi jam 7... jam 7 bo! Molor 2 jam.... Tapi gw ga enak buat buru2in dia gara2 kemaren gw udah ngeburu2in dia drop-in gw ketemu temen2... Hufffff... Serba salah yah, mo bawa mobil, males nyetir n kena macetnya... Nebeng, kok ya ga fleksibel. Melayanglah niat gw bersantai ria di rumah malam ini...

Dan kenapa ya, niat gw tuh on-off banget buat olahraga. Niatnya kan mau rutin donk, at least 3 kali seminggu. Gw ga gendut kok, BMI 21 tapi lemak di mana2. Dan herannya si Gembul selalu bilang gw gendut padalah BMI dia udah masuk ke kategori obesitas. HUH! Untungnya belakangan udah agak nyadar. Sampe sering gw sindir "mantan kamu ceking semua ya? cewe2 ga berlemak?". No, fortunately I haven't met his exes. Jadi inget ini (sorry, I'm an engineer):

Taken from facebook page: Trust me, I'm an "engineer"

I just have to post this...

Go to the link to view others "What we should have been taught in our senior year of high school"

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Fetish on Shoes

So I got this thing for shoes. Fortunately, I got a display-size feet (EUR 37), which makes it so easy to try on shoes wherever and whenever. Not boasting but most shoes look good on me, but not necessarily are comfortable. My feet are flat and it's not easy to find high heels that fit the arch of my feet. In addition to that, the bone at the inner side of the foot near the thumb protrudes out more than most people's. But in the other hand, my forefingers are the longest among other fingers which make it beautifully in line with the front curve of the open toes shoes' soles. I should have posted a picture rather than rambling about it hahaha.

When I moved to a big city from my university town, I was so amazed with all the shoes I could find (I know, I know, it's sad). That year, I bought a pair of shoes EVERY month which resulted in 13 pair of shoes at the end of the year (hey, people got their 13th salary!). Eventually I had about 30+ pair of shoes which half of them didn't make it back to Jakarta with me (I gave them to friends, donated and threw them away).

Back in Jakarta, still I bought some shoes here and there but found out that I have this not so usual curve (which I didn't realize before, stupid me), and it turned out, the brand that fits my curve is a little bit over my usual budget. And Gembul also realized that I often hurt my feet after few hours of walking or standing. He tried to buy me sponges or gels, and also asked me to put a pair of sandals in his car.

Yesterday, we were walking in a mall, I wore cheap but quite cute sandals that he bought me few months ago (again, because my feet hurts at that time). Eventually he asked if my feet hurt because he felt I was walking differently. Then he said that he wants to buy me sandals again. I was confused, why? I didn't take his word seriously, we were walking around, and he said again that I need to consider buying Hush Puppies sandals. I was like "I know it would be comfy, but it's ugly! So grandma-like". Gembul insisted.

We went to 3 places (Metro, Hush Puppies shop, and Sogo), he proposed a bulky flip flops and I rejected. I had a similar one from Crocs which I rarely wear. In the Hush Puppies shop, I showed Gembul high heels sandals that I quite liked and he was "high heels? I was thinking a flat sandals!". Me (posing) : "But it's cute!". Then we went to the last place (which I actually had some vouchers left from my dad a while ago), and found that those bulky sandals were marked 20% off from the tag price (the tag prices were all the same throughout the 3 stores). No, I still didn't buy it. Instead I found a pair of wedges that looked quite pretty (although not prettier than the previous high heel sandals in the 2nd store but comfier), and costed double my voucher worths. Gembul insisted me choose this one because it's more comfortable and he'd pay the rest! He was joking "I need to keep those till Christmas!".

I wore the shoes right away. It felt better than my cheap sandals :D And it makes me thinking of how I need to be more picky about buying shoes and put comfort over price and style (sound so grandma!)

Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit. (In Her Shoes, 2005)