About Me

Jakarta, Indonesia
An extrovert yet not so friendly, a daughter of God yet still living in temptation, a self-centered wife with an overwhelmingly kind husband, always try to be time-efficient but like to slack-off

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What have I achieved so far?

Haduh, lotsa things happened. Jadi ceritanya si Gembul dijanjiin promosi sama bosnya sesaat sebelum si bos dipindahkan ke divisi lain. Katanya sih awal tahun ini (biasa kenaikan gaji resmi diumumkan/berlaku di bulan Feb). Mulailah dia menghitung2 dan merencanakan kebutuhan tahun ini yang emang so significant and life-changing itu. Turned out, the reality is not as predicted. Mulai deh kebat-kebit. Gw juga ikutan stress. But he said: "kamu ngapain ikut stress? Biar aku aja yg mikirin...". Dalam hati: 'Ya iyalah, kan nyangkut ke hidup gw juga...". Time goes by, ada beberapa titik terang yang muncul. Sepertinya keadaannya ga seburuk itu. Gw mulai yakin lagi kalo memang Tuhan berkenan, Tuhan yang akan menyediakan (ya sebelumnya juga yakin sih... tapi kan jadi lebih mantep gituh).

Kemarin waktu telponan sama Gembul, dia cerita tentang beberapa hal yg terjadi di komunitas cell groupnya. And I was very very proud of him. Not something formal or grand, but I know God wants to bring him up and be blessings to others around him. So proud of him and I told him: "Promotion from work can be postponed, but God promotes you. It's more precious". In the same time, I was thinking: 'How about me? What have I achieved so far?'.

One thing for sure, I found someone I can look up to. I remember on my first year of college, if I was asked what my criteria of choosing a partner, I would say: "yang bisa membuat kita masing-masing menjadi lebih baik lagi". Dan tahun-tahun berikutnya membuat gw yakin bahwa kalau memang di dalam hubungan, orang menjadi semakin mundur (terutama dalam karakter dan rohani), hampir pasti deh Tuhan tidak berkenan. Dan 1,5 tahun gw bersama Gembul, I've been seeing him improving in many different aspects. And again I was thinking: 'How about me? What have I achieved so far?'.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Last month, there's a good friend of Gembul went back to Jakarta to start a new business/department here supported by one of the multinational company. He offered Gembul a position  which he thought Gembul could manage although didn't have a lotta experience in that. Of course the salary would be bigger than what he got now. But he was concerned about the benefits he would lose if he left the bank he's currently working as well as the security (who knows what's gonna happen with a start-up in several months?). Long story short, Gembul said to his friend "Sorry I can't take it. If you asked me two year ago, I would jump right away. But now, she's my priority" -looking at me-.

*meleleh* *padahal gw masih sibuk pengen travel sana sini* *hayoloh*

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Better than nothing

I have been abandoning this blog although I have a lotta stuff in my mind that can be turned into a worthy blogpost. I'm just gonna force myself to write, even if it is brief to keep this blog going.

I was blown away by this verse yesterday during the cell group: For the Scriptures say, "If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. (1 Peter 3:10, NLT)

I once was reading The book of Proverbs and thinking: Wow, we actually don't need to read self-help or motivational speech. The guidance of living you life is all in the Bible. And that's exactly what appeared in my mind last night when I read this verse.

So, people, let's say to ourself "today will be a great day!".