It's time to talk about my other hobby beside traveling (I babbled to much about traveling here): Readings.
I read since I was 4 years-old. My mom n auntie said that even before I could read by myself, I was able to memorize all the words in the book properly. So I would know if someone who's reading it for me skipped some words. Ha ha!
During primary and junior high school, lots of time my name was listed on the bookworm lists in the school library. In the primary, we were allowed to borrow 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction. So I picked up an Enid Blyton or other teenage novels for the fiction, and folklore tales for the non-fiction (I was not interested in science book or others so both were actually stories). In junior high, we were allowed to borrow 2 fiction books at a time. So, no doubt I did not visit the non-fiction section at all unless it was for school assignment. Not happening in high school, because none of my close friend liked to go to the library. My mom was seldom upset because I read too much, she felt that I didn't study enough. Heyy! My grade were still good.
When I was in college, I didn't read too much fiction. I think at that time I was busy with internet unless someone came from Indo (or I went home) and brought Indo novels. My roomie and I can spend a day inside the apartment quietly and feeling content surrounded by the books.
Nowadays, thanks to e-books. My hubby bought me a kindle couple years ago (before we got married), and he knew if I didn't contact him that night, I was cheating with my kindle. Even till now. We were happily lying in bed, me with my kindle, him with his smartphone playing games.
I tried to put as many books I remember I have read to the apps in the left side of this blog, but it will take some times since I believe I have read thousands of books for the last let's say 20 years. The apps here showing what book I am reading now. I bet if you scroll it, you can see what I have read? Arghhh... Gaptek nih ueuhehueuhhue... However, I rated some of the books I felt recommendable (is there such word? Ha ha). But you are welcome to ask my review about the book I have read (if I still remember). Of course this only lists books in English. So I cannot put my Indonesian books in there. But I do read Indonesian novels, the non-lebay ones. :p
Anybody likes to read too? Give me some recommendation!
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