About Me

Jakarta, Indonesia
An extrovert yet not so friendly, a daughter of God yet still living in temptation, a self-centered wife with an overwhelmingly kind husband, always try to be time-efficient but like to slack-off

Monday, October 10, 2011

Not so blast weekend...

I easily got irritated if my boyfriend comes late. Last Saturday, I got lunch appointment with my friends at 1 o'clock, so I asked Gembul if he would pick me up. If not, I'd ask my driver to drop me off or take a cab. He said he'd pick me up. So I said I expected him to come at 12:15. This conversation took place at around 10 am. I did some exercise and left my bb, then took a shower. At 11:45 I looked at my bb and read his typing of "the electricity went off, can't take a shower", then he typed again that the electricity was back on, so he's off to shower... at 11:45. I immediately said "don't pick me up, we'll just meet there". At 12 he said "but I'm about to go now". I just said "nope, I'll take a cab or whatever". Arghhhh... Our houses are 40 kms apart. He sometimes underestimated the traffic in Jakarta. I already said a million times, Saturday afternoon is bad! You gotta leave before noon! After the lunch, when we're alone in the car, I made sure that he knew I was irritated by what he did earlier. I found out that he didn't take a shower when the electricity was off not due to lack of water supply but the darkness. Puhleeaaaseeee.... you're not a 5 yo kid... it's cleaning your own body, you could take a shower in the dark!

It's not getting better because we needed to go to his office to pick up some stuff he accidentally left. Then after we got there, he realized that he left his access card at home. So we went to his house,  not surprisingly caught in the traffic, then back to his office again,.... When I waited for him in the car, I was planning to ask him to drive me home. I figured that it's nicer to lie down on my bed and read a novel rather than stuck in the car meaninglessly.

I tried to calm myself down and when he came back, he asked if we still wanted to go to watch a movie. The latest time is 19:45, it's 19:10 at that time and I doubted we could make it. But I decided to give him (and the traffic) a chance. Nope, the traffic still was against us. 19:45 and we're still on our way, then I told him I wanted to go home. He turned the car and asked me if I really wanted to go straight home, we haven't had dinner btw. Then I said yes because I was just too restless and annoyed. He said sorry and that I had all the rights of being upset because he ruined the day. Driving home, he said that he didn't want to send me home yet, he still wanted to spend the night with me. So,  I agreed to stop by a cafe and we made up.

On Sunday, we planned to go to the evening service because he had a company event in the morning. He promised to pick me up at 4:45 to make sure we got to the church on time. Somehow, the traffic was not so friendly either, he arrived a lil bit late, and I confronted him. Actually I didn't feel that upset, but I just wanted to make a point that I didn't like it when he's late, and this was just a day after the fight-due-to-lateness.

In the sermon, the pastor said that one of the way of respecting someone is to come on time (actually it was also preached last week). Gembul stroke my hand while hearing that. And I said to him "If you are late, I will think that you're not that eager to see me. It's still okay if the traffic is bad, but at least you have to spare the time that makes sense".

Image taken from Google

Let's hope that we won't have the same issue again and again. And he actually said that he considered me quite patient by not exploding to him :p

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